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full size printed plan control line  r049 autogyro rotor span 18”   for.049 - .06
full size printed plan control line  r049 autogyro rotor span 18”   for.049 - .06
full size printed plan control line  r049 autogyro rotor span 18”   for.049 - .06
full size printed plan control line  r049 autogyro rotor span 18”   for.049 - .06
full size printed plan control line  r049 autogyro rotor span 18”   for.049 - .06

Full Size Printed Plan Control line R049 AUTOGYRO Rotor span 18” for.049 - .06

Regular price $12.95
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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No materials. Plan only


Full Size Printed Plan on a 11" x 17" sheet

Three page article of notes and photos

Control line

Rotor span 18” 

for.049 - .06 (.8-1 cc) motors

by John Stroud

  THE FASCINATION of an autogyro must be that it seems to fly by some sort of magic. After studying many designs I can list most of the essential design features but I still do not really understand why they fly! It seems to me that the rotating wing is just a method of having a wing which is travelling faster than the aeroplane is flying. Within certain limits the scheme works very well but autogyros will not take-off vertically like a helicopter, nor do they have the lifting ability and speed of a conventional aircraft. One of the best designers of full-size autogyros was a Spaniard called Juan de la Cierva, who lived between 1886-1936 and was responsible for a considerable amount of research and development work on these machines. Many years ago I was involved in refurbishing one of his designs for the Science Museum. It had some very odd features about its tailplane, as I remember, with positive incidence on one side and negative on the other! Control was via a tilting head of the rotor. It also had an enormous shaft and clutch to 'pre spin' the rotor from the engine prior to the take-off run. If my memory serves me right, it needed at least 250 rpm on the rotor and could then get airborne in a few yards and climb at about 45°. R049 has been designed to resemble an autogyro of the 1930s. Flying characteristics can be described as odd, peculiar or even weird. I have certainly found; it interestingly different and an irresistible magnet for spectators.


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