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full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49
full size printed plans scale 1“= 1 foot control line he-51 wingspan 36”  engines .29 to .49

Full Size Printed Plans Scale 1“= 1 foot Control Line He-51 Wingspan 36” Engines .29 to .49

Regular price $19.95
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Full Size Printed Plans and Article



Five page article with building notes

Control Line

Scale 1“= 1 foot

Wingspan 36”

Engines .29to .49


Our plans show the markings which appeared on the He-51 flown by Hannes Trautioft in the Spanish Civil War. In addition to this we have included the Luft­waffe colors as used by one of the Heinkels with the Geschwader Richfhofen should the reader want German instead of Spanish markings.

  Considered by many to be one of the "classics" in fighter plane design, along with the Hawker "Fury" and Curtiss P-6E "Hawk," the Heinkel He-51 was the German Luftwaffe's first fighter. This clean biplane appeared in 1933 when the proto­type underwent tests which were so successful that the craft was ordered in quantity. By.1935 it had become the standard Luftwaffe single-seat fighter. jagdgeschwader Richthofen and jagdgeschwader Horst Wessel were the first wings to be equipped with the He-51. Powered by a B.M.W. twelve cylinder, Vee type, liquid cooled engine of 750 horsepower the bipe had a maximum speed of 205 miles. per hour. Normal range was 242 miles, ceiling wes 25,356 feet. The He-51 scaled 4,1'80 pounds fully loaded. All Luftwaffe Heinkels were painted silvery-gray overall.

Thank you or looking Rose
