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full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber
full size printed plans scale 1:16 control line saab-i8a twin engine medium bomber

Full size Printed Plans scale 1:16 Control line Saab-I8A twin engine Medium Bomber

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Full size Printed Plans & Article

Not a KIT or MODEL No Material

Reproduced Vintage Plan From 1959

Sweden's Saab-I8A Medium Bomber

Full size printed plan on two 34” x 24” sheets

Four-page article with building notes, illustration and photos


 Engines Two .09 c.i. - .15 c.i. .15 c.c. – 2.5 c.c.

Wingspan 40"

By Hoh Fang-Chiun

ALTHOUGH twin engined control line scale models have gained an ever increasing popularity in recent years, to consider building a model of this type may still give rise to mis­givings for the average modeler. This may be due to a number of factors. The design of the model is perhaps unneces­sarily intricate; the chosen subject may not be very suitable; or the designer endeavors to copy the full-size machine right down to the last rivet, with com­plete disregard for practicable con­struction.

With these points in mind, I have tried to make the construction of this scale model of Sweden's Saab-I8A medium bomber so simple that every modeller with a little experience should be able to build it. The construction is of balsa, which gives a good weight/ strength ratio. The sheet covering should not offer any difficulty, as the wing is planked entirely separately, with the fuselage and nacelles then built on to it. To further simplify the building, soft balsa blocks, carved to scale shape and finished in scale outlines were used for canopies instead of moulded ones though you may, of course, make these latter up if you prefer.

The model spans 40 in. and my prototype Saab-18A, with two Taifun Hurrikan 1.5 c.c. motors for power, weighs about 48 oz. and has an air speed of around 55 m.p.h. A pair of 1.5 c.c. engines are recommended, but any pair of motors up to 2.5 c.c. can be used. Even good 1.0 c.c. diesel engines would be suitable if the model is kept light during building.

Thank you for looking
