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full size printed plan canal boat & trent barge m.v. frank rayner suitable for radio control
full size printed plan canal boat & trent barge m.v. frank rayner suitable for radio control
full size printed plan canal boat & trent barge m.v. frank rayner suitable for radio control
full size printed plan canal boat & trent barge m.v. frank rayner suitable for radio control

full size Printed Plan Canal Boat & Trent Barge M.V. Frank Rayner Suitable for Radio Control

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Listing for full size Printed Plans

Not a KIT or MODEL

M.V. Frank Rayner

Full size printed plan on a sheet 40" x 30" 20lb bond

Some building notes and illustrations on plan

Two page article with description building notes and photo

Canal Boat

Length 31” 

 Beam 5-3/8”

Electric motor

Suitable for Radio Control


Length 31"

Beam 5-3/8"

Rudder control


   Since the whole of the centre portion of the boat is constant in section, and is very much a box-like structure, the obvious method of building this part is to use three planks of sufficient thickness to enable the section to be planed into the outside.          The bluff bow and counter stern are a little trickier and are best laminated from timber and carved to shape. The beam of the model permits six vertical planks, 7/8 in. thickness, to be used, and this is convenient since lin. prepared timber has a normal finished thickness of 7/8 in.

   The centre portion of the hull can be glued up and set aside to dry while the end pieces are cut; after laminating together the ends require to be finished on their inside faces, when they can be dowelled to the centre portion of the hull assembly and allowed to dry out thoroughly.

The Frank Rayner is a motor vessel typical of those plying between the Humber ports and the Midlands, under the aegeus of British Waterways. The vessel has. an overall length of 82 ft. 6 in. with a beam of 14 ft. 8 in., and has a towing capacity of over 500 tons, provided by a 255 b.h.p. diesel engine. Apart from the engine room there is cargo space and living accommodation for a crew of three adults.

   The standard Trent barges normally towed are also 82 ft. 6 in. in length by 14 ft. 8 in. beam, and each has a carrying capacity of 140 tons with living quarters for two families.

   The plan gives full details for both the motor vessel and the barge, and it will at once be apparent that these are extremely simple models. As the construction of the barge is identical we will confine our remarks to the building of the power craft.

Thank you for looking Rose
