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full size printed plan scale 1/96 small passenger-cargo ship "s.s. shengking" suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1/96 small passenger-cargo ship "s.s. shengking" suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1/96 small passenger-cargo ship "s.s. shengking" suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 1/96 small passenger-cargo ship "s.s. shengking" suitable for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Scale 1/96 small passenger-cargo ship "S.S. SHENGKING" Suitable for Radio Control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only


An attractive small passenger-cargo ship

Full Size Printed on a Sheet 36” x 46” 

Two Page Article and photo (No Building Notes Some boat building experience required)

Scale is 1/8 in.=1 ft. (1/96)

Length of 37 ½”

Suitable for Radio Control


BUILT in 1931 by Scotts' Shipbuilding & Eng. Co., Greenock, for the China Navigation Co. Ltd., the

Shengking was 300 ft. long by 46 ft. beam and was powered by twin screw steam turbines of 3,400 horse power which gave a normal speed of 16 knots, but the capability of considerably higher speeds. This ship, with her sister the Shuntieti, provided an express and fairly luxurious passenger and cargo service from Shanghai to Tientsin before the war, being particularly popular with the people of Shanghai going up to the holiday resorts of Tsingtao, Wei Haiwei and Chefoo during the summer. Being fine lined she could exceed her service speed if required, and this, with her short length, could make her lively in a sea- way and the broken waters of the Yellow Sea; she was noted for high crockery bills!

Her length was limited to just over 300 ft. overall in order that she could proceed up the river and berth at the International Concession in Tientsin, although in fact this berth had to be abandoned later due to silting up. She then berthed at the mouth of the river Tongku and passengers completed the journey to Tientsin and Peking by wheelbarrow and train.

The ship was specially strengthened for ice and had an ice breaking bow, her specification calling for her stem to have a gradually increasing radius in plan above the waterline to form a soft nose and reduce damage in the case of collision.

During W.W.II she did duty as an R.A.F. Auxiliary in the Indian Ocean


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