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full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control
full size printed plan scale 32" rum runner launch suitable for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Scale 32" Rum Runner Launch suitable for Radio Control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

Rum Runner


Full Size Printed Plan on a SHEET 42” x 30”

Seven page article includes Notes & Photos

Scale 1:24

Length 32”

Power Twin Electric

Radio Control

by Herb Lozier

  Our model is copied from one of the fastest boats. You will notice the large window area for visibility, as necessary for spotting any hostile vessels as for finding. their way into those secret coves in the dead of night! You will see that there is no way into the cabins, except by the rear hatch door in the well deck, and the sliding hatch atop the mid ship cabin. Lack of openings served to keep the sea out in sudden squalls and fast running. The port holes, .as well, open only away from the direction of travel. Those to the rear of the cabins open from the bottom only, another way to minimize taking in water. It is rough sometimes in those Southerly seas and a costly cargo could not be spoiled,

  • During the days of prohibition, when it was not legal to sell or drink the kind of stuff that made one happy or sick-or both at the same time- evil men thought up many ways to get John Q. Publick in the conditions stated above! On the list of happy waters was the well known stuff called rum. Now most of us have learned that this drink is made in the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Being islands they are completely surrounded by water. Naturally, the only way to get anything out of an island is by the water route, at least that was true during the early twenties. Airplanes were not the carriers they are now. Airplanes needed a large space to take off and land in and made quite a bit of noise, as well as having limited cargo space. Little choice was left, and so a fast boat was the answer. Boats could either anchor off the coast and a few men in a tender could come alongside and unload or, the boat could find some small hidden cove and unload right there, of course. It is a matter of history that there were such boats. They were called "Rum Runners," for they ran the rum into the United States, past the Coast Guard and other preventive authorities. The stakes were high and there were some, not very bright people, who took the chance. Needless to say that the boats were very fast. They had to be. They also had to be "rough-weather boats." Then too, they had to have vast power and excellent radio equipment. Some even mounted a small calibre gun on the fore deck.

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