Full size printed plan and article No Material
Excaliber II has been a rather successful design. The Excaliber 11 has been built by a number of people, both experienced and inexperienced model boaters. It offers semi-scale appearance, and the construction isn't too difficult. The boat should be built entirely from plywood;
Full size printed plan on a sheet 42” x 30”
Nine page article with building notes and illustrations
Length 26”
Beam 12 ¼”
3.5cc (.21) Outboard
Radio Control
The development of the Excaliber model outboard design has been somewhat of an evolutionary process covering the last three years. Since finding one's roots has become a rather "in" thing recently, let me take a little time to trace the roots of the Excaliber II model outboard tunnel.
As often happens when you hit upon something that works pretty well, others want to build your design. Such was the case with the redesigned Excaliber, to which I now added "II" after the name. During 1978, John Havens, Jr., from Olympia, Washington, used the Excaliber 11 design to establish a new stock outboard record in the NAMBA straightaway of just over 42 mph. Although this record has been broken by a hydroplane design, I think it still stands for stock outboard tunnel.
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