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full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition
full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition
full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition
full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition
full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition
full size printed plan simple-to-build scamp free running or r/c boat sport or competition

Full Size Printed Plan simple-to-build SCAMP free running or R/C boat sport or competition

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only


A simple-to-build electric powered, free running or R/C boat for sport or competition

Full Size printed plan on a 36” x 24” sheet

Three-page article with building notes and photos

Length 21”

Beam 8”

Power Electric

Suitable for radio control

Designed and described by Brian Taylor.


Having left competition power boating some six years ago I felt that it would be good to have a boat for Sunday morning boating, just for fun. One of the reasons for giving up speed events and multi-racing was the cost, so the new model had to be cheap to build and run. Being accustomed to running high performance boats, this design had to be fairly fast and very maneuverable.

With these thoughts in mind, a specification emerged for a boat measuring 21 in. x 8 in., having reasonable freeboard, built mainly of balsa, powered by a Ripmax 'Cyclone' with 6 or 8 1.2V, 1.2Ah /cells. It is quite possible to build a smaller model for this excellent power plant, but stability and steering can become a problem on anything but dead-calm water, also there is the problem that below planing speed the boat will tend to look more like a submarine.

After a couple of sketches and a few calculations, 'Scamp' was drawn up and the prototype produced. Initial tests, with six cells, indicated a design that is ideal as a 'sport' model and the perfect introduction to fast electrics. With eight cells fitted we have a fun boat that is fast, stable and manoeuverable, no dagger plate, skeg or trim-tabs being necessary. It is also perfect for anyone wanting to try their hand at steering competitions, restricted 2.5 kilo multi-racing or the new proposed 2 kilo class. If any amount of multi-racing is envisaged a 1 mm ply skin could replace the balsa sheeted sides and bottom.

The MFA Hummingbird '15' with 8 cells would make an alternative power plant, or for the ambitious, the Hummingbird '20' with 10 cells could be installed.

The original 'Scamp' ready to run with Cylone, 8 1.2V, 1.2Ah cells, radio, simple speed controller and lady driver weighs only 2 lb. 12 oz., therefore your 'Scamp' should be built as light as possible at all stages of construction. Wherever 'Scamp' is run, interest is always aroused, so after many remarks of "why not get it into print", here it is.

Thank You for Looking
