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full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine
full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine
full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine
full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine
full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine
full size printed plan fokker t.v. profile scale model of a pre-world war ii twin-engine

Full Size Printed Plan FOKKER T.V. profile scale model of a pre-World War II twin-engine

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No materials. Plan only


A very uncomplicated profile scale model of a pre-World War II twin-engine bomber. Enjoy the sound of two synchronized engines, and the sight of a model that looks like a real airplane

Full Size Printed Plan on a 36" x 24" sheet

Four page article of notes and photos






 Here is a fun airplane. Even the name is kinda funny, as who ever heard of flying TV? Doghouses and Lawnmowers, yes but flying TV' Actually, that "V" is a Roman numeral S, and the design was Fokker's attempt at a modern (in 1935) bomber'. They built only it dozen or so, including the prototype, and all were destroyed in the opening days of World War 11. Several were wrecked on the ground at Amsterdam! Schiphol, but others fought vainly in the air against bummer odds.

The model was built for the Valley Circle Burners' "run Scale" contest in September 1976, which featured' 1 f2A Multi-Engine Profile Scale', and drew 14 entries. To my great surprise, the

T.V placed 3rd ... with help from Rich LeRoy, Frank Kelly, and 5-minute epoxy.

 Anybody who's built a couple of profiles should have no trouble with this one, even though several of my fellow club members have suggested that I still have trouble with anything. But then, what do they expect from an ex-Free Fighter?

Power for the original was a pair of Tee-Dee's, wrenched from the firewalls of a Satellite and an Orbiteer; .049 outboard and .051 inboard. On Cox 6/3 Grays and 40% fuel, the thing was suitable for Proto Speed. Even on one engine, it was hauling bananas. We've all heard that Scale ships are heavy and Under powered, but this remedy was absurd. Suggest you de tune to a pair of Medallions, or ... if you have them ... OK Cubs; or any other beam-mounted engine. Beam mounts allow using full­ profile nacelles, whereas a radial-mount engine, such as a Baby Bee, means chopping off the "cowlings" and adding firewall cheek blocks. You'll lose some of the scale flavour with the radial method, but if it's all you've got, by all means use it.

Everything but the tail is 1/4 inch sheet on the original; for better appear­ance, you might go to 3/8 on the fuse­lage, but the extra weight really isn't necessary.

Thank You For Looking


