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build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article
build a 3 point hydroplane 27" for radio control .15-.21 zing ray full size printed plan and building article

Build a 3 POINT HYDROPLANE 27" for Radio Control .15-.21 ZING RAY Full Size printed plan and Building article

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Full Size Printed Plan and Article

Not a KIT or MODEL


Full size printed plan on a sheet 36” x 24”

Nine page article with building notes and photos



ENGINE 2.5 – 3.5 CC or convert to electric


By Vic Smeed

As is usual it builds up a lot bigger than it looks on the drawing, and for this reason some people may feel that a .15 to ,.21 c.i. ,2 1/2 to 3 1/2 c.c. motor is rather on the cautious side. Well, it is and ultimately we expect there'll be .40s or so used in the same basic design initially however we believe that a lower-powered approach to what is a new type of hull (to most of those building it) will enable experience in trimming and handling to be built up sensibly. A hydroplane of this type is faster on the same power than a conventional model, and does not have the same forgiving nature in turns; it is no great job to change to a bigger engine once the initial trim has been satisfactorily achieved.

There are two basic hull forms for hydroplanes (Fig. I), those with outrigged sponsons and what the Americans call the 'pickle fork', where the sponsons are integral with, but extend below, the main hull. Our model employs the second layout. which is more usual at present,

Limited quantity

Thank you for Looking Rose
