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build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans
build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans
build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans
build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans
build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans
build two semi scale outboard speedboat  electric & gas full size printed plans

Build Two semi scale OUTBOARD SPEEDBOAT Electric & Gas Full size printed plans

Regular price $14.95
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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only


Full size printed plan on a sheet 33" x 24" 20lb bond 21" boat

Full size printed plan on a sheet 17" x 24" 20lb bond 14" boat

Three page article with building notes

Length 14"



Length 21" 



HAVE always felt that there is a certain some­thing about a boat fitted with an outboard motor; many will, of course, disagree with this but on one point they must agree and that is that the outboard motor is much easier to fit.

Having 'souped' up a toy plastic outboard motor, described in the April 1961 issue of Model Maker, I decided the time had come to build a really smart speed boat to suit this motor. Being electric and naturally requiring batteries my first consideration was the problem of weight‑ I wanted it strong enough to withstand knocks and yet light enough to have a fair turn of speed. Using batteries I have found that the model gives a lively performance and will not disappoint you, but those wishing real zip will find that lightweight accumulators are the answer.
