listing is for Full Size Printed Plan and Article
Not a Kit or Material
Full Size printed plans on a sheet 52" x 28"
Three page of notes and photos
Scale 1/192
Length 50"
Power electric motor
Two Channel radio control
Recommend some prior building experience
Construction was mostly of ply and spruce. A hull base was cut from 1/2in ply and 1/4 in ply bulkheads erected on this. Two fin square stringers each side, plus a third butting to (he ply base to form a planking rebate, provided a skeleton ready to plank. Planking is perhaps not quite the word, since the hull skin is actually a double lamination of 1/32 in ply, applied in six panels each side, and the bow and stern are carved blocks. Strips of Bristol board added to the outside represent the outer plates of the overlapped strakes
THIS model was built as a companion to a trio of Hood, Prince of Wales, and Bismarck, all built to (1/192) scale. An aircraft carrier seemed to offer something different, and what better choice than the famed Ark Royal of the same period? Plans were something of a problem, and eventually had to be scaled up from a published 1/1200 scale drawing, using photographs for additional detail and checking basic shapes etc. Because of the enormous amount of ship above water, it was thought prudent to increase scale draught by 3/8 in, enabling some ballast to be attached low down (in the end, on the outside) for increased stability.
Thank you for looking Rose