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full size printed plan   control line speed piped bee class b how to break 200 mph
full size printed plan   control line speed piped bee class b how to break 200 mph
full size printed plan   control line speed piped bee class b how to break 200 mph
full size printed plan   control line speed piped bee class b how to break 200 mph

Full Size Printed Plan CONTROL LINE SPEED Piped Bee CLASS B how to break 200 mph

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Full Size Printed Plan            

Not a Kit or Material

 Piped Bee CLASS B

 A true pro in Class B Speed tells how to break 200 mph.

Full size printed plan on a sheet 42” x 28”

Two page article ( Note: no building notes except those on plan)




by Glenn Lee

This model is the first one that ever went over 200 mph for me, and then the timers goofed! They timed me for six laps in­stead of seven, which came out at 250 mph. We didn't think that was quite right!

Another speed flier timed the flight at 209 mph. The engine was damaged, and the best succeeding flight was only 183+. The present Class B record is over 193, so a 200 mph flight is believable. I have had several flights in the 180s.

Almost all speed jobs have similar construction and design techniques, which have been developed over the years. I have always admired Bob Lauderdales' elliptical wings and stabs on his Dizzy Boy and Dizzy Bee. They always looked neater and faster to me. I doubt if any special wing shape is better than another it is a matter of personal choice.

You don't need a machine shop to fly speed successfully! Soreheads and so called "experts" use this excuse, when they are just too dumb to learn how to get an engine to run. Many of the top speed fliers use stock engines,

Thank you for looking
