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full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem
full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem
full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem
full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem
full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem
full size printed plan "o gauge" cable car san francisco's answer to their steep hill problem

Full size printed plan "O GAUGE" CABLE CAR San Francisco's answer to their steep hill problem

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Full size printed plan and article

No material, Plans only



Full size printed plan on a 17” x 11” sheet

Four page article with building notes

For Operational or Display (No working instructions)



Width 2”

   RECALLING both the glorious past and colourful history of these Cable Cars, we sadly witness the losing battle now being waged as these cars are slowly being forced off the streets of San Fran­cisco. For ever since 1873, the Cali­fornia Street Cable Car has served San Franciscans for both business and plea­sure transportation. Despite an apparent lack of efficiency considering their age, these cars alone' are responsible for at­tracting many of California's tourists.

The Cable Car was San Francisco's answer to their steep hill problem, tak­ing the most precarious hill in their stride as part of a daily routine. Their very name comes from the motive mech­anism, the cars being propelled by means of a moving cable beneath the street. Each car attaches itself to this cable through a slot in the street surface by means of a "grip."

With these cars rapidly being pushed out of the picture, many rail fans will find this an ideal model for either your working railroad or mantle. Simple tools are all that are needed, plus a pair of O-gauge trucks if a working model is to be made.

Your first problem will be to make up dummy trucks (display model only)  use small blocks of pine as a base for your truck and to this cement small wooden discs .of correct diameter for truck wheels (sections of 'Wood dowels). Cut out truck sides from bristol and ce­ment over the wheels. Bumpers are also cut from bristoI and cemented to ex­treme ends only of front and rear trucks. These bumpers are painted gray and balance of truck, black.

The front and rear of car is next built up as shown in fig. 1. The wooden sec­tions (1/8" bass) should be drilled 1/4" for headlights, and painted maroon on the outside and buff on inside. Cement piece of tinfoil across back of drilled hole to give headlight effect. Bristol window cutouts are painted buff. These are ce­mented to sheets of plastic or celluloid and the unit then cemented to wooden section.

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