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full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control
full size printed plan scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "wide­ - a­ – wake" steam power for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Scale 2"= 1foot clinker built boat "WIDE­ - A­ – WAKE" Steam Power For Radio Control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

"WIDE­ - A­ – WAKE"

Full Size printed plans on three sheets 56” x 36”, 54” x 24” and 24” x 19”

Thirteen page article with illustration and photos and Material list

Scale 2"= 1foot

Length 50”

Beam 15”

Steam Power or Disguised Electric

For Radio Control

Designed by H. Croker of South Australia

The Wide‑a‑ Wake was a clinker built boat, 25ft long with a beam of 7ft. 6in, a rugged little craft with a charm of her own in her gracious lines, her rich timber and wealth of polished brass. She was smaller and not so sleek as some of the long slim aristocrats that lay in boathouses in sheltered coves around the lake, but she had the honour of acting as guard ship at the annual regatta held on the take below the town of Enniskillen. Competition was keen between the sailing yachts belonging to the big houses, steam launches were busy towing the yachts and bringing parties of guests to the regatta.

This model gives the real pleasure of steam boating, no tearing around with the blowlamp roaring and blowing off steam all over the place. She is designed for slow steady steaming, occasional stops to rest at anchor while the safety valve looks after excess steam. She fascinates the crowd, displays the charm of the age of steam, silent and effortless movement, the cranks turning, her passengers in the stylish fashions of her times appeal to the ladies and there is speed there too, an occasional spurt, to avoid another boat or just to satisfy the young ones, who keep asking how fast will it go?
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