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full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control
full size printed plan semi-scale 95-ft. u.s. coast guard patrol boat suitable for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan Semi-Scale 95-ft. U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat Suitable for radio control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

95-ft. U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat


Build and run this realistic model of a U. S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat

Full size printed plans on two 38” x 28” sheets

Seven-page article with building notes and pictures


Length 34”

Power Electric

Suitable for radio control

By S. S. Rabl

THERE has been a big demand for a radio controlled model boat that could be built by an amateur. Well, aside from an electric drill, a soldering iron, a pair of pliers and a vise, this model can be built entirely With a sharp knife, a small plane, assorted pieces of sandpaper and some as-sorted files. Power tools were purposely avoided in building the original just to prove this. All material for the hull can be purchased at any large hobby shop. Bits of material found in the average scrap box will serve to make many of the fittings. To break away from the current run of cruisers and runabouts it was decided to produce a model of one of the now famous 95-foot patrol boats which are the U. S. Coast Guard's answer to this country's threat from atom bomb smugglers and waterfront saboteurs. The model is strictly a kitchen table job and to this end the hull shape was simplified so that it could be easily planked with sheet balsa. Only those features which really demand it were re-scaled. In spite of these changes, the model still retains the general appearance of these little sea bulldogs that. patrol the twelve thousand miles of our maritime frontier. Afloat, the model is a counter part of the first of these little vessels the CG- 95304 No radio controlled hull for a model boat that we have ever seen has been big enough to hold all the required equipment, so we designed her as big as possible, using standard lengths of balsa. It was further decided that nothing would go into construction that could not be purchased in a local hobby shop or readily made at home with simple tools.

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