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full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control
full size printed plan vintage 1960s " r‑2 whalecatcher" semi scale for radio control

Full Size Printed Plan vintage 1960s " R‑2 Whalecatcher" Semi scale for radio control

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Full Size Printed Plan & Building Notes

No material plans only

R‑2 Whalecatcher

This operating craft will delight those wanting something new.

Full Size Printed Plan on a 38” x 26” Sheet

Four page article Building Notes, Photos and Illustrations

Scale 1:70

Length 32”

Power Elictric

Suitable for multi-channel radio control  ( No Radio insulation Shown)

By R. A. Sweet

   Construction of the model was kept simple and rugged as experience at the pondside has shown that small fittings soon come to grief unless they are securely built in. Many readers will have their favorite method of construction but as new modelers are always joining our ranks a few facts regarding this model may help.

   THE ANTARCTIC is the hunting ground of whalecatchers and every year these small vessels and the whale factory ships voyage south to catch a limited number of these mammals. As will be seen the hull of the catcher has a pronounced sheer, bringing the gun platform high above the sea and helping to keep it dry. The hull being cut away at the bow and stern allows extreme maneuverability, which is very important when stalking a whale. The operation of whalecatchers from land‑based stations represents an interesting development in the whaling industry. The R2 Which is based at South Georgia is in this category. It is a vessel with many interest features including a variable pitch propeller and a special system of coiling the fines on the whaling winch drums instead of stowing them below deck. It represents a formidable challenge to the whale as it has a service speed of 16 knots and the ability to stop in just over 1/2 minute, by reversing the propeller pitch.


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