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full size printed plans and article scale 1:16  24 pdr. gun with cast iron carriage
full size printed plans and article scale 1:16  24 pdr. gun with cast iron carriage
full size printed plans and article scale 1:16  24 pdr. gun with cast iron carriage
full size printed plans and article scale 1:16  24 pdr. gun with cast iron carriage

Full size Printed Plans and Article Scale 1:16 24 pdr. Gun with Cast Iron Carriage

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Printed Plans and Article                            

NOT a KIT or MODEL no material

Have a crack at an all metal

24 pdr. Gun with Cast Iron Carriage

Full size plan on a sheet 17” x 11”

Two page article with photos

Note: no measurements use ruler or scale on plan

Scale 1:16

Length 8”

Width 3 1/5”

As drawn and described by I. R. Stair

 This gun should delight the model engineer who likes to produce something ornamental occasionally, as the whole model can be made in metal. Those without facilities for working in metal can take comfort in the fact that a dull black finish is most appropriate and therefore other materials can be used to produce a realistic model.


The gun is a straightforward job and I do not think there is much purpose in describing the construction in full as it would merely repeat my previous articles in Model Maker.

The feature which differs most from the other model guns is the carriage cheeks or sides. If metal is not used the best alternative is Perspex; avoid ply­wood owing to the trouble of cleaning up the edges for a good finish. Marking out has to be carefully done and holes drilled in the corner of each opening and in the internal angles of the outline. I found an Abrafile about the best tool for cutting in between the holes for if it is used with care, very little cleaning up is required.     .

All other parts are quite simple to make in metal, plastic or timber, the shapes being quite clear from the drawing..

THE subject of the accompanying drawing is a 24 pdr. ship's gun mounted on a cast iron carriage. These guns were used in naval shore establishments for coastal defence and in the trade castles in Africa and Asia. I can find no evidence of their use in ships. It .is interesting to see how the general form of the wooden carriage was followed closely in cast iron, the designers not being able to think basically enough to produce a shape more appropriate to the material used. This happened in thee distant past when early stone buildings followed the form of their timber predecessors and we can see it today when many items are produced in plastic and these follow the pattern' set by the wood or metal articles they endeavour to replace.

Thank you for looking Rose
