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Comet DH 88
Famous winner of England to Australia race reappears as half-A twin
Full size printed plan on a 32” x 24” sheet
Three page article with building notes and photos
SCALE 1:16
TWO ENGINE .049 to .19
- Flown by C. W. Scott and T. Campbell Black, this sleek twinengine beauty won the most famous air race of all time, Just sixteen years ago.' The bright red racer completed the 1l,300-mile Mac Robertson Intercontinental Race from London, England, to Melbourne, Australia, in 70 hrs., 54 min. and 18 sec. during October 20-23, 1934. Average speed for the flight over this long distance was 159.15 mph, which beat some of the finest air plane designs and pilots from all over the world.
Powered with two De Havilland Gipsy inverted in-line, air-cooled engines, the Comet was all-wood construction Its design data later helped inspire development of the
very successful World War IT D. H. Mosquito fighter-bomber. Although designated "Comet" by De Havilland, the plane was christened "Grosvenor House" (pronounced Grovnor) for the race .
The model D. H. Comet features simple and economical construction, convenient size for a twin-engined job as well as obvious good looks with completely enclosed engines. Built to the scale of 3/4" to the foot, our Comet can take engines from .074 to .19 cubic inch displacement, although the .09 sizes are' perfect. A 1'" Rev-up spun aluminum spinner fits the model perfectly. We used Cub .099 engines with 6" dia., 4" pitch O.K. propellers--however, any other workable combination should prove satisfactory.
If you have hesitated to tackle a twin-engine job because of its large size, complicated structure or great expense, your troubles are over. Here's the model that is easy to transport, build, fly and is also easy on the pocketbook.
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